Supervisory Board
Carl-Viggo Östlund
Board member (independent)

Carl-Viggo Östlund
Board member (independent)
Board member | Carl-Viggo Östlund |
Born | 1955 |
Nationality | Swedish |
Education | BSc in International Business and Finance & Accounting, Stockholm School of Economics |
Career | Former CEO of Swedish banks SBAB and Nordnet and the insurance company SalusAnsvar. At present entrepreneur, professional board member and investor |
Board seats, Chair | Coeli Finans AB, Fondo Solutions AB, Gladsheim Fastigheter AB, Juvinum Food & Beverage AB, Nedvi Fastigheter AB and Ponture AB |
Board member | Tryg A/S and Tryg Forsikring A/S, Allert Östlund AB, Delimport Ltd, Goobit Group AB including Goobit AB and Goobit Blocktech AB, Havsgaard AB, Ywonne Media Group AB, Wonderbox AB, Umbrella Finans AB, Umbrella Investment Group AB, Director Delimport Ltd, The Real Impact Company AB and RiQuest Group AB |
Committee membership | IT Data Committee (Chair) and Remuneration Committee in Tryg A/S |
Experience | More than 30 years as CEO and Managing Director in local as well as in international environment in listed companies as well as banks. Experience from the following industries: manufacturing, logistics, insurance, finance and banking |
Competencies | Solid background from the Insurance industry, non-life as well as life. Business know-how and judgement, banking and finance know-how, understanding of digitalisation and risk management, ESG |
Shares in Tryg | 7,788 |