All shareholders are urged to attend the annual general meeting. Shareholders may vote in person at the meeting, by mail or appoint the Supervisory Board or a third party as their proxy. Tryg makes a proxy form available allowing shareholders to decide on the individual items of the agenda.
Tryg's annual general meeting is held every year before the end of April. The Supervisory Board convenes the annual general meeting giving not less than eight days’ notice. Shareholders may register to receive an electronic notice of the general meeting.
The notice includes the time, place and sets out the agenda comprising as a minimum the following items:
- Report on activities during the past financial year
- Approval of the annual report, including determination of the Supervisory Board's remuneration
- Adoption of a resolution as to the distribution of profit or covering of loss, as the case may be, according to the annual report
- Any proposals from the Supervisory Board or from shareholders
- Election of members of the Supervisory Board
- Appointment of external auditors
- Any other business
Divident payment
The complete proposals also include the Supervisory Board's proposed dividend payment with respect to the past financial year.